Be careful, I might be tricky!  Can you guess what I am?

I am all the colors of the rainbow,
waiting for my only chance to get out of this spherical playhouse.
It's finally my turn to slide and go "wheeee!"

Picked up in an 8-year-old girl's soft hand,
I am squished and flattened between her lost teeth.
Then, I get blown ...blown ....blown
When the time is right, I go "pop!"
Can you guess what I am?

If you think you know what I am, write me a note in the comments. 



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Haiku poems are really easy to write.  If you want to write your own Haiku, then write a 3-line poem.  The first line is 5 syllables.  The second line is 7 syllables.  Last, the third line is 5 syllables. 

Haiku Poem #1

In my slow snail shell,
I saw fog coming at me.
I was really scared.

Haiku Poem #2
Tiny green grapefruit,
I want to eat you so much!
But I have to wait.
This is my new poem.  The exercise was to use words that imitate sounds.  How did I do?

Listen!  Do you hear...
   cats meowing under the bed,
   dogs barking near the door,
   mice squeaking to be fed,
   bunnies hopping more and more?

   Turtles snapping at a bee,
   caterpillars munching on a frond,
   birds flapping in the tree,
   fish blubbing in the pond?
I had a harder time writing this poem.  I have a good idea and this is my start.  I think I still need to work on it.

Garden Rainbow
Butterflies are like tiny rainbows
that come with the breeze
showing their colors
and in the blink of an eye
they are gone.
Today I learned how to add rhythm to my poem.  Read this!  Snap along to the rhythm of the poem.  If you can't snap, ask your parents to snap for you.

In My Slow Snail Shell

In my slow snail shell
I heard munching, munching, munching
In my slow snail shell
I heard chitter, chitter, chat.

In my slow snail shell I heard
digging digging digging
In my slow snail shell I heard
pitter, pitter, pat.

In my slow nail shell I heard
Singing in the trees.
Buzzing in the breeze.
Scratching in the holes.
Dancing with the moles.

In my slow snail shell I heard
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
In my slow snail shell I heard
splat, splat, splat.

In my slow snail shell I heard
flapping, flapping, flapping
In my slow snail shell I heard
sounds like that.

I just started a new writing unit on poetry.  Here is my first poem.

Hearing Things
In my slow snail shell
I heard munching of caterpillars eating leaves
and chitter-chattering of
squirrel's teeth on their nuts.